Saturday, April 7, 2012

Definitely not Computer Savvy

I think I just spent 45 minutes trying to figure out how to change up my blog. I'm definitely...special HA! Well, I was going to put pictures up of Julian's FIRST easter egg hunt today but of course my husband doesn't know where the chord is for the camera. figures. Anyway, Julian had a blast and I'll put up the pictures tomorrow hopefully.

Can't believe spring is here and tomorrow is Easter! So excited for another easter egg hunt for Julian, dying eggs, taking lots of pictures and going to church to celebrate the reason for the season. Easter is such a special holiday for me and I always want Julian to know why we celebrate it, besides all the candy and eggs!! Jesus is risen! Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for us :)

Lets see what else has been going on lately...? Julian is growing like a weed, definitely experiencing the terrible twos and trying to spend as much time outside before it gets crazy hot! Tony is on swing shift right now which is 3pm-11pm. It's not too bad. We get to spend time with him during the day and lucky him gets to join me for all my errands in the morning ;)  I've been wanting to start a workout program for awhile now and have heard so much about Couchto5k and although, I hate running, I HAVE to get rid of this belly! Hopefully I'll start it soon and see results :)

I'm off to bed to get some rest for our busy day tomorrow :)
